- Autoclaves, Ovens, Balances
- Carbon & Nitrogen Determination
- Cold Storage (Fridge, Ultra low Freezers, Cryo Freezers)
- DUMAS – Nitrogen Determination
- Fume hoods, Class II Cabinets
- Kjeldahl Digestion & Distillation
- Laboratory Centrifuges
- Laboratory Incubators, CO2 Incubators
- Logan Dissolution, Friability, Hardness
- Magnetic Stirrers, Hot Plates
- Micro Centrifuges, Super speed centrifuges
- Laboratory Incubators, CO2 Incubators
- Laboratory Spill Control Materials
- Logan Dissolution, Friability, Hardness
- Magnetic Stirrers, Hot Plates
- Overhead stirrers, Homogenisers
- OXITEST – Oxidation Stability Reactor
- PPE, Safety equipment
- pH and Multi-mode meters
- Pipetting Devices, Bottle Top Dispensers
- pH and Multi-mode meters
- Process Research Solutions
- Raw Fibre Analysers
- Reagent storage cabinets
- Shaking Incubators, Dry-block heating systems
- Shelf Life Test
- Solvent and Fibre Extraction
- Sample Preparation
- Synthesis
- Sample Preparation
- Synthesis
- Transportation devices for Cold Storage
- Vortex mixers, Platform Shakers & Rockers
- Water baths (Heated & Cooled)
- Water Purification Systems (Type 1 and Type 2 Water Systems)
- Water Stills, Deioniser, Distillers
General Lab
Sep Sci’s broad General Laboratory product portfolio of innovative instrumentation and consumables is designed to support all medical, academic, industrial, biotechnology and research centres. Combined with our core competencies in application specialization and technical support, Sep Sci aims to be your Total Laboratory Solution Provider.
General Laboratory
Tech Corner